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Swift Save’s customer service is the worst I have ever experienced. I will never go there again. I visited the store on Monday 28th July 2014 and the 2 men serving behind the desk were clearly unwilling to help me. I am female and went in there by myself and expected to be treated in the same manner as the other customers who were in the store at the same time. I did not have the measurements for one item, so when I asked again for advice I was told ‘We have over 15 items and others scattered around, there is no point showing you until you have the measurements.’ I only wanted to know my options. When I asked the price of something, the same man told me ‘As we have already told you it is...’. At no point did either of them show me anything, I was just pointed to where things were. When I asked ‘Could you please spare 5 minutes to help me?’, I was disgusted and astounded at the reply from the same man - ‘You are not buying today so it is not worth wasting our time!’ What a horrible way to speak to a potential customer. I do not expect to be spoken to in this manner when I am specifically asking for help. I went to a different company later that day and had personalised help and support. It is this company which will be getting my money and I will use for future projects. My advice to all potential customers of Swift Save is - go elsewhere, where you will be helped when you ask for it and you will be treated with respect. Swift Save’s staff are ignorant, arrogant and condescending.

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