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OOh not a good experience at all. The reason they don't answer the phone is because they only have 2 stylists (and no receptionist ) who appear to be overbooking themselves. I was told I was lucky to get in as Groupon customers have to be booked in when they can and are now full until September. I waited for 40 mins before I was seen. I was happy to overlook this, as well as being sprayed in the face with a broken shower head, man handled whilst the foils were removed along with some of my hair, then when my higlights were being rinsed I was slightly disconcerted by the question "Do you normally have a toner aswell?" (Overcome with panic) To which I replied "No, but has it gone brassy?" I was told yes, so of course I opted for a toner, as I didn't want to leave with orange hair. I was then left with wet hair on 2 occasions while she went to sort out other dissatisfied customers, and once finally blow dryed, I received a dry cut. My hair turned out fine, so that was my main concern but when upon leaving she tried to charge me £15 for the toner I was horrified! She said they just do basic highlights and if I need a toner I have to pay for it! I have NEVER been to any salon EVER who have said your hair looks a bit brassy, we can correct it but you'll have to pay! Actually, I've never needed a toner at all before as the colour is usually fine! Unbelievable. Needless to say I refused to pay for this. I'm not unreasonable by any means but this is out of order. What a way to run a business. I don't normally leave reviews, especially negative, but this has annoyed me so much I needed to get it off my chest. Also, no drink or magazine offered during 3 hours + I was there. Luckily I had my own water and magazine. Would have taken a packed lunch if I'd have known how long I'd be waiting. Expected a salon in town centre location to be much more professional than this. Will not be going back there for sure.

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